Have you ever walked down Weighhouse Close in Paisley and wondered what the old single-story building and yard between the Private Car park and the Mrs Coats Home for Girls used to be?
After doing some investigation, I have realised that this and the associated buildings probably make up one of the last complete 19th-century industrial works within Paisley town centre that are still in existence today.
The property is fronted on New Street by number 12 – now the ‘Gantry’ Restaurant and the former Pend which used to run through to the yard is now a body builders shop. This building was most likely the offices and outlet for the works.
n the 1862 Trade Directory the occupier of the site is John Stevenson & Sons – Soap & Candle Makers. The owners lived at No. 37 on the corner of New Street/ Weighhouse close.
To view the 1850’s OS Town Plan of the site – click the link https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=20&lat=55.84440&lon=-4.42677&layers=106&b=1 The Candle works is marked on the map and you can clearly see the Pend shown as dotted lines running through the building at No 12 New Street.