Paisley Territorial Drill Hall

Spread the history around you…

With the demise of the Facade of the second Territorial Drill Hall on Paisley High Street in the last few weeks, this may be a good time to remember the original Drill Hall that sat on the site before 1896.

I’m not sure when first Drill Hall was constructed, but by 1896 it is described as being 130 feet long, 50 feet wide and more than a useful ornament! In 1896 plans were in place to replace it with a more commodious hall and office space for the volunteers.

In 1896, Sir Thomas Glen Coats was the commanding officer, and the local force consisted of 25 officers, 45 sergeants, and 644 rank-and-file men.

Original Paisley drill hall replaced in 1896

The image on the left shows the TA Drill Hall in February 2011.

The building was designed by local architect T G Abercrombie in the Scots Renaissance style. it consists of 4 stories with a 3-bay centre block flanked by 2 gabled 2-bay wings slightly advanced. It had a slate roof with a leaded Art Nouveau bell-cote.

The image on the left is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Attribution: Thomas Nugent

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